Enhance your IP & EVS Programs with georeferenced data insights.
SurfaceGuard’s enterprise-grade biorisk mitigation platform.
Gain traction against HAIs with real-time IPC safety data and reporting. Get access and control over microbe and bacterial safety data dynamically to optimize the everyday analytics of modern Healthcare-associated infection safety plans.
We create an interactive map of your facility that guides treatment services and provides healthcare organizations with unprecedented, visualized IPC insights.
Our exclusive data reporting dashboard equips your team with robust insights on facility treatment status. Concise data logs provide universal clarity of treatment types and service schedules.
Data Reporting
Systemwide Tracking
SurfaceGuard’s digital health and safety dashboard covers all virus and bacterial safety treatments systemwide. Tracking IPC services longitudinally provides reliable data insights on a room-by-room, level-by-level, facility-by-facility basis.